Edit. Save. Secure.

PostgreSQL is a powerful, open-source object-relational database system with over 30 years of active development that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, feature robustness, and performance.

PostgreSQL is a highly stable database backed by more than 20 years of development by the open-source community.



PostgreSQL, also known as Postgres, is a free and open-source relational database management system emphasizing extensibility and SQL compliance.

It used as the primary data store or data warehouse for many webs, mobile, geospatial, and analytics applications. PostgreSQL can store structured and unstructured data in a single product.

Highly Secured

It is safe because it follows several security aspects, which are as follows:

  • PostgreSQL provides a robust access control system.

  • It includes several Authentications such as Lightweight Directory Access Protocol(LDAP), Generic Security Service Application Program Interface (GSSAPI), SCRAM-SHA-256, Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI), Certificate, and so on.

  • PostgreSQL supports Column and row-level security.

  • Huge Community

    PostgreSQL has a wide variety of community and commercial support options available for users, including:

    • Documentation

    • The Community section, which details the support options available to users from the PostgreSQL community

    • Mailing Lists

    • IRC

    • Slack


    PostgreSQL is well suited for almost all industries and use case such as fInance, government, web apps, and even as a "NoSQL" document store with its JSONB/JSON and hstore capability. Its focus on ACID compliance makes it a trustworthy data store.

    Other Core Features of PostgreSQL

    Highly extensible

    PostgreSQL is highly extensible in several phases which are as following:

    • It supports procedural Languages such as Perl, PL/PGSQL, and Python, etc.
    • JSON/SQL path expressions
    • Stored procedures and functions.
    • For tables, it supports a customizable storage interface.
    • It is compatible with foreign data wrappers, which connect to further databases with a standard SQL interface.

    Compatible with multiple data types

    PostgreSQL support various data types such as:

    • Structured: Array, Date and Time, UUID (Universally Unique Identifier), Array, Range.
    • Primitives: String, Integer, Boolean, Numeric.
    • Customizations: Custom Types, Composite.
    • Geometry: Polygon, Circle, Line, Point,
    • Document: XML, JSON/JSONB, Key-value.

    Support multiple features of SQL

    PostgreSQL supports various features of SQL which include the following:

    • MVCC (Multi-Version Concurrency Control).
    • It supports multiple Indexing such as Multicolumn, Partial, B-tree, and expressions.
    • SQL sub-selects.
    • Complex SQL queries.
    • Streaming Replication
    • It supports transactions, Nested Transactions through Savepoints.
    • Just-in-time compilation of expressions
    • Table partitioning

    PostgreSQL Database Administration

    The PostgreSQL database administration covers the essential PostgreSQL database server administration actions. We have several open sources as well as paid tools available in the market. Let us understand some of the most commonly used database management tools of PostgreSQL:
