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Brief Intro of PHP and Laravel

We know that PHP is the oldest programming language used by the programmers, and more than 20 million websites are developed by using PHP. PHP is a very suitable programming language as it satisfies the business requirements whether the business is big or small. Laravel is one of the most popular frameworks having a high rich set of functionalities.

Laravel is provided with a well-defined toolbox that allows the developers to write less code leading to less possibility of errors.

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Authentication is the most important factor in a web application, and developers need to spend a lot of time writing the authentication code. Laravel makes a simpler authentication when Laravel is updated to Laravel 5. Laravel contains an inbuilt authentication system, you only need to configure models, views, and controllers to make the application work.


Innovative Template Engine

Laravel provides an innovative template engine which allows the developers to create the dynamic website. The available widgets in Laravel can be used to create solid structures for an application.


Effective ORM

Laravel contains an inbuilt ORM with easy PHP Active Record implementation. An effective ORM allows the developers to query the database tables by using the simple PHP syntax without writing any SQL code. It provides easy integration between the developers and database tables by giving each of the tables with their corresponding models.


MVC Architecture Support

Laravel supports MVC architecture. It provides faster development process as in MVC; one programmer can work on the view while other is working on the controller to create the business logic for the web application. It provides multiple views for a model, and code duplication is also avoided as it separates the business logic from the presentation logic.


Secure Migration System

Laravel framework can expand the database without allowing the developers to put much effort every time to make changes, and the migration process of Laravel is very secure and full-proof. In the whole process, php code is used rather than SQL code.


Unique Unit-testing

Laravel provides a unique unit-testing. Laravel framework can run several test cases to check whether the changes harm the web app or not. In Laravel, developers can also write the test cases in their own code.


Intact Security

Application security is one of the most important factors in web application development. While developing an application, a programmer needs to take effective ways to secure the application. Laravel has an inbuilt web application security, i.e., it itself takes care of the security of an application. It uses "Bcrypt Hashing Algorithm" to generate the salted password means that the password is saved as an encrypted password in a database, not in the form of a plain text.


Libraries and Modular

Laravel is very popular as some Object-oriented libraries, and pre-installed libraries are added in this framework, these pre-installed libraries are not added in other php frameworks. One of the most popular libraries is an authentication library that contains some useful features such as password reset, monitoring active users, Bcrypt hashing, and CSRF protection. This framework is divided into several modules that follow the php principles allowing the developers to build responsive and modular apps.



Laravel framework provides a built-in tool for a command-line known as Artisan that performs the repetitive programming tasks that do not allow the php developers to perform manually. These artisans can also be used to create the skeleton code, database structure, and their migration, so it makes it easy to manage the database of the system. It also generates the MVC files through the command line. Artisan also allows the developers to create their own commands.


It is the specific design pattern that the framework follows. Laravel is following the MVC architecture.

MVC is divided into three letters shown below:

  • M: 'M' stands for Model. A model is a class that deals with a database. For example, if we have users in an application then we will have users model that deals with a database to query the table of users if we have users model, then we will also have a users table. We conclude from the example that the model is going to have a table for that specific model.
  • V: 'V' stands for View. A view is a class that deals with an HTML. Everything that we can see on the application in the browser is the view or the representation.
  • C: 'C' stands for Controller. A controller is the middle-man that deals with both model and view. A controller is the class that retrieves the data from the model and sends the data to the view class.
  • MVC architecture

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    The PHP Framework for Web Artisans

    Mail service integration Laravel is integrated with the Mail Service. This service is used to send notifications to the user's emails. It provides a clean and simple API that allows you to send the email quickly through a local or cloud-based service of your choice.

    Scheduling tasks configuration and management The web app requires some task scheduling mechanism to perform the tasks in time for example, when to send out the emails to the subscribers or when to clean up the database tables at the end of the day. To schedule the tasks, developers need first to create the Cron entry for each task, but Laravel command scheduler defines a command schedule which requires a single entry on the server.

    Template Engine

    Laravel framework is highly acknowledged for its built-in lightweight templates which can be used to create wonderful layouts using dynamic content seeding.


    Laravel framework offers very strong web application security. It uses hashed and salted password mechanisms so the password would never be saved as plain text in the database.


    Laravel framework offers a built-in command-line tool called Artisan which helps to automate the majority of tedious repetitive programming tasks.

    Libraries & Modular

    Laravel comes with pre-installed Object-Oriented and Modular libraries which are not available in many other PHP Laravel frameworks.
